Edible Gold Leaf for Fondant

The rich flavor of a fine cheese is really hard to extend further beyond. It’s especially
delicious when served in a fondant. What we’ve discovered at Cornucaupia is that adding edible gold leaf
for fondant into the mix, we’re able to add an extra dimension of experience into the flavor. The luster of
the pure 24 karat edible gold makes the fondant absolutely irresistible. Dairy lovers often get excited
when preparing their favorite cheese for fondant, the aroma ignites the pleasure centers in the brain.

With pure 24 karat edible gold leaf for fondant, the experience is heightened as your sight compels you to
appreciate the luxury you behold on your plate. As the cheese inches closer to your mouth for
consumption, you know something special is going to happen. Delicious savory fondant with edible gold
leaf is about to be consumed and this makes you feel special. There’s no breaks in between the luxurious
dining experience. From start to finish, from plate to mouth, the edible gold leaf for fondant is the secret
missing puzzle piece to an unforgettable evening. Whether you’re entertaining guests or serving food in a
restaurant. Whatever the occasion is, everyone will be left speechless. There isn’t much to say at first
after such a wonderful gourmet experience with pure 24 karat gold. Expect everyone, after they have
regained composure, to rant and rave about the edible gold leaf for fondant. Social media will explode
with hashtags describing the delectable cheese and beautiful bright edible gold leaf on the fondant. This is
not something anyone is going to want to miss, and something that those who have tried will come back
for again and again. The adhesive properties of the edible gold leaf for fondant work perfectly and make it
a very simple application for those in a hurry or for those wishing to make large batches.

Experiment with our pure 24 karat edible gold leaf flakes, our edible gold leaf loose booklet, and definitely try the edible
gold leaf transfer booklet for more firm fondant and cheese dishes.