Questions? Get in Touch
CornucAupia offers custom work for industrial research and product development of cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and architectural nature. For product development assistance, please contact our sales department at the above email address, or use the contact form provided, leave us a note and we will get back to you the following business day.
CornucAupia Gold Leaf Manufacturing Inc, is a company established in 2013 in Sarasota Florida with the goal of creating a renaissance in fine dining, as well as providing purer and finer crafted products for the arts and restoration, in addition to reviving the use of gold and silver as alternative medicine in the way that it was previously used by ancient civilizations for its various holistic properties. All of our edible products are Kosher and Halal certified.

Corporate Office
Our corporate office serves as base operations for CornucAupiaCorporate Location
513 Interstate Court, Sarasota, FL 34240, USA.Call Us Today
Get in touch with us by phone any time to get more information about DeiAurum products or our company.9AM - 5PM EST
(941) 342-1817
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